poor mobile signal

Four Challenges of a Poor Mobile Signal for the Workplace

If you’ve ever had a poor mobile signal in your office, you’ll know how annoying it can be. Dropped calls, sluggish access to vital data, or failure to attend a critical meeting can be quite upsetting. But could poor call quality and data speeds in fact be more than just an annoyance for your company?

The short response is yes. In an increasingly mobile-first world, a poor mobile signal can critically impact business and even limit its expansion possibilities. But fret not, as most of the problems with the signal quality can be simply avoided. Here are four disadvantages of a poor signal in the place of work and the steps you can take to clear it.

Key Office Difficulties Due to a Poor Mobile Signal

Certainly, the number of obstacles during your business operations due to the lack of a quality internet connection can barely be limited to four. Nevertheless, these are the major ones you should be prepared for:

Bad Connection with Customers

How many people on your team have a cell phone contact number that’s accessible to clients and customers? Probabilities are, most of them, mainly those in sales, business improvement, and account management. Here is what happens when clients call those employees and either can’t get through at all or are met with a poor mobile signal and call connection:

  • A speedy call becomes a long game of drop-out and call-back, which is annoying and time-consuming for everybody.
  • A significant or urgent call gets missed, potentially neglecting the client by someone who did accept the call.
  • Simple communication becomes burdened with misunderstandings. Poor mobile signal frustrates clients, creates difficulties for employees, and turns simple communication into a stressful situation that needs resolution.
  • If mobile communications are the keystone of your operations, you must ensure their effectiveness. This means providing your building with a strong enough signal to assist them. Devoid of it, those mobile phones become just a simple disturbance rather than an instrument for increasing profit.

Reduce employee efficiency

Is the car park becoming your company’s next office? If a poor mobile signal means that employees often need to leave the building to get or make calls, it adversely impacts performance, whether those calls are private or professional.

Even if you remove the wasted time getting to and from those “good-connection places,” continually having to relocate to find a signal will absolutely affect your employees’ focus and engagement in tasks. That is, every working space in your workplace should be provided with a quality connection. As a result, prevent disturbances in your day-to-day business operations and enhance the productivity of your workers.

Decrease in Income

Poor communication can have a harsh impact on your business’s end result. Clients won’t accept poor customer service. Additionally, allies won’t be able to discuss it with you even if they want to. All of this can lead to customer churn and the disturbance of important deals. Eventually, the ability to reach a company builds an optimistic image. Communication problems can damage your status as a reliable business. Therefore, developing client orientation should be a main concern for your company. Even if your business involves discussions with people only occasionally.

Organisational Issues

Communication disruptions can affect efficiency and the transfer of commands from managers to staff. In today’s world, uninterrupted access to the internet and high-quality mobile connectivity are requirements for businesses that want to succeed. Your employees can be the best workers in the world, but what good is that if it takes hours for them to see a work message or a missed call? Effective business management is impossible without high-quality modern communications.

What are the Remedies for a Poor Mobile Signal in the Workplace? 

Rearrange Your Workspaces

One of the easiest and most cost-effective solutions to a poor mobile signal might be to move your workplace to spaces with superior reception. Thinking about moving to a different side of the building for a better view of the cell tower, or even relocating your entire office? While these strategies might seem ideal if your signal is blocked by concrete, metal, low-E glass, or other materials, there are limitations to consider. Relocation isn’t always feasible, and even if you move, it’s no guarantee of a strong signal, especially if the cell tower itself is far away.

Wi-Fi Calling

Another option might be using Wi-Fi calling as an alternative to a mobile network. This way, you ensure dependable and stable indoor coverage, even in areas where there’s a poor mobile signal. It is also a cost-efficient fix, as most carriers just add this feature free of charge and don’t limit phone calls by minutes, which can be useful for companies looking to save on phone operating costs.

However, Wi-Fi calling isn’t the most consistent answer. It isn’t accessible on every mobile device or network and isn’t always steady, especially if there is some access to the mobile signal and the device tries to shift between Wi-Fi and network connections. This remedy is also difficult for visitors to the office who don’t want to waste time logging into a new Wi-Fi network.

Make use of a Signal Booster

The only way to improve your signal in all cases is to put in a signal booster system. This system consists of three main parts:

  • An exterior antenna that picks up a poor mobile signal. This one is typically installed outside at the uppermost point, such as the roof.
  • A signal amplifier situated indoors receives the signal from the antenna via coaxial wires. The tool then cleans the signal from noise and obstruction, intensifies it, and retransmits it more.
  • Indoor antennas disperse the signal right through the building, allowing continuous communication with the outside world.

This process completely gets rid of dead zones in the building. Once the system is established, it won’t matter how distant your business is from the base position.

How Telephone Technology Can Assist in Enhancing a Mobile Signal in the Office

So, to resolve the problem of a poor mobile signal for the office, it requires the equipment and the professionals to connect and configure it for you. By getting in touch with Telephone Technology, you will resolve both of these issues.

At Telephone Technology, we help clients across all industries discover a permanent, flexible solution to poor mobile signal issues, providing better call quality and data speeds in buildings across the UK. Our professionals carry out a tailored assessment of each business and then help with the selection and acquisition of equipment. What’s more, we will guarantee the signal improvement system is always operational.

If you know that you have poor mobile signal issues in your building but don’t know how to resolve them, just get in touch with us, and we will give you an idea of what options are right for you. With over 20 years of experience in guaranteeing uninterrupted connectivity, our experts offer mobile signal enhancement equipment. This reliable and effective technology has a long history of meeting the highest standards.

Boost Your Business Connectivity Today!

Want to see the value of working with us? Explore our case studies and witness firsthand how we’ve helped businesses like yours. Contact us today and fix the connectivity issues in your workplace once and for all!

Problems with a poor mobile signal for the office can appreciably affect the competence of your business. Poor connectivity will make it impracticable to quickly resolve business issues and build a flawless workflow. As a result, companies that want to stay afloat need to ensure high-quality cellular connectivity in their region. The most efficient and generally the only 100% working way to do this is to install a mobile enhancement system. High-quality equipment, along with superior specialists who will arrange it, will take your company’s work to a whole new level and minimise the effect of a poor mobile signal.

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